Anti-Trump group claims Pumpkin Spice Lattes fund ‘white supremacy’ in Trump White House

We’ve seen some ridiculous protesting this year, but this takes the cake.

Anti-Trump feminist group ‘UltraViolet’ is attacking Starbucks for simply leasing store space from Trump’s Real Estate Group.



“UltraViolet rejects Schultz’s half-hearted denunciations of President Trump, pointing out that Starbucks, his company, has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in leases to the Trump Organization.  UltraViolet argues that if Starbucks is serious about rejecting Trump’s hateful and dangerous policies, that they would sever all financial ties to the Trump Organization – that includes finding new locations for Starbucks stores within Trump properties.”

Are you kidding me? Starbucks is FAR from supporting Trump. The left is eating their own, and we promise it won’t end well.


Washington Examiner:

“Pumpkin spice just doesn’t taste as good when you add a shot of racism,” a feminist leader explained as the fall flavor began to pop up in coffee shops around the country. This is a shockingly weird claim, but it shouldn’t be surprising.

In an editorial published last month, we wrote about the Left’s effort to broaden the boundaries of concepts such as white supremacy and racism in a way that impugns the conduct of well-meaning people. Now, a feminist nonprofit is running a campaign to convince festive imbibers of Pumpkin Spice Lattes they’re unknowingly boosting the cause of white supremacy.

The co-founder of UltraViolet issued the “shot of racism” statement Sept. 6. I knew Starbucks had a secret menu, but the baristas must really be keeping these racism shots on the down low.



A social media post from the group informed readers: “That favorite fall drink of yours is funding rent payments to white supremacy.”

Given the severity of the campaign’s language, one may assume profits from sales of Starbucks’ beloved PSLs are being surreptitiously redirected to the Klan or neo-Nazi groups. In fact, UltraViolet’s actual complaint is that a couple of Starbucks’ 24,000 locations happen to be in properties owned by the Trump Organization.

According to UltraViolet’s logic, by patronizing any of Starbucks’ thousands of stores, average consumers of the signature fall beverage are directly boosting the cause of white supremacy. How increased latte profits to the Trump Organization (not even the White House) impact the president’s policies on racial matters is left unclear.

Like any nonprofit, UltraViolet’s petition to Starbucks is hosted on its website, meaning it’s framed between two bright “Donate” buttons. Its organizers would disagree, but in actuality, this campaign is a PR stunt meant to increase traffic to their page.

When you think about it, equating consumers of Pumpkin Spice Lattes with people who actively fund legitimate “white supremacy” groups– not merely a Starbucks store that pays rent to the Trump Organization–undermines efforts to fight hatred. The Trump Organization and the Trump White House do not argue for purifying bloodlines, nor do their patrons share common cause with the people who donate to such despicable missions.

This campaign is predicated on the impulse our aforementioned editorial identified–lumping ordinary people into the same categories as hatemongers in Klan and neo-Nazi organizations. It’s counterproductive and exploits the disgust most Americans harbor for white supremacy to knock Trump and generate web traffic.

(By the way, this is also a great example of how feminist organizations operating under the banner of intersectionality stretch their activism well beyond advocacy for women to include every progressive cause from the minimum wage to racial justice. Who’s left to focus on females?)

Are these nuts a little too salty? Let us know in the comments below!
