AOC Unleashes Stunningly Ignorant 2020 Dem Strategy

Occasional Cortex comes to us today, with some of her most ignorant comments and political commentary yet.



Her plan to defeat Trump in 2020… Drum roll, please… ‘Call out his racism!’ LOL. Let us know how that goes for you!

Yesterday, on the extremely liberal podcast ‘Pod Save America,‘ AOC made some borderline racist remarks about white people needing to “Do the work.”


“It’s gonna take a lot of white people. We need white people right now, to do the work.”

She then goes on to discuss how racist Donald Trump is, and how he uses race issues to advance his ‘agenda.’  *cough* Bulls&%t

Take a look here:



No brains Cortez starts off by stating that, “There’s a reason that Donald Trump is using racism as a culture — because it’s how he gets away with his corruption.”

“Right!” her liberal host quickly agrees. She fails, however, to talk about exactly what corruption she’s talking about.

She later claims, “There are a lot of people who support Trump, who genuinely don’t believe that they are racist.” AKA, You just don’t know you are a racist, racist! LOL

It doesn’t matter what baseless accusation she throws at Trump and his supporters. Progressives will all agree, take it as fact, and perpetuate the lies themselves.

We’re DONE with your lies AOC, and we will continue to show you for what you really are. A small cog in the progressive machine that is tearing apart our great country.

You won’t win. #Trump2020

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