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BOOM: President Trump Revealed He May Close US-Mexico Border Today.

“We’ll close it. And we’ll keep it closed for a long time. I’m not playing games.” ~President Trump

According to comments made to Fox News — President Trump intends on closing the US-Mexico border if they do not assist in stopping the migrant caravans funneling through Mexico to the United States.

Kelleyanne Conway told Fox News Sunday:

“It certainly isn’t a bluff. You can take the president seriously, and here’s why. You’re giving those metrics. What he’s looking at is that 4,000 migrants apprehended in one day recently. We’re on track this month for close to 100,000.”

She also added, “We have never seen a surge like this coming from the Northern Triangle company (ph). Some of these kids are already separated by their parents from their parents before they even arrive here.”

“Congress can fix this, Chris, in an hour. […] Congress can fix the problem of immigration they failed to fix. And this president is looking at the metrics.”

She closed by stating, “We are at the breaking point,” before moving onto the issue of cutting foreign aid.

President Trump has been extremely outspoken about his intentions to close the border and is escalating the issue as needed.

Late last week, the President blamed Democrats and Mexico for the current fiasco at the border:


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