Don Jr. gets Fired Up – Final debate analysis on ‘Hannity’

Donald Trump Jr. joins Sean Hannity immediately after the final Presidential debate to discuss the results and recent allegations against Hunter Biden.



See the full video transcript here:



Joining us now the author of liberal
Privilege donald trump jr
Uh you know it was funny your dad got
Hit a little bit maybe he was a little
Too hot in the first debate which by the
Way you have the same characteristics in
Case you didn’t know
Uh and I in a good way you’re you’re
I like people that fight for their
Promises and fight for the country
Um overall besides the lying now this
Issue could you imagine if you donald
Trump jr


While your father’s president had a bank
Transfer of three and a half million
From a Russian oligarch Kazakh oligarch transferring money to You
A 1.5 billion deal with the bank of China
After you travel to china with your President
As president and then the whole barisma Deal
Uh you know you’re not getting a billion
Unless of course you fire the prosecutor
Investigating my son who admits
He has no experience imagine if it was You
Yeah sean I don’t think that would
Happen I’d be phoning in from my iphone
From rikers island to probably a pay
Phone feeding quarters if it was me
I’d be in jail the reality is this nancy
Pelosi and the democrats
They impeached donald trump for being 100
Right about joe biden and his corruption
They spent three years trying to put me
In jail they accused me
Of doing frankly a fraction of what
Hunter biden actually did they accused
Me of doing that and they made me do 30
Hours of testimony
So I take this one a little bit
Personally that they have these emails
That they have the wire transfers that
They know it’s real
And they have corroborating evidence and
The media is now trying to cancel
Other media outlets for reporting on the
Corruption it’s disgusting
Joe biden as a presidential contender is
Likely the most
Corrupted and potentially corrupted
Person to ever run for office of the Presidency
And the democrats and the media seem
Fine with it who cares if the ukraine
Has something on him
The iranians are peddling disinformation
To hurt trump to help joe biden because
They’ll know he’ll be soft on him
The chinese they’ve been bought you know
They bought the bidens a long time ago
Let’s just go you think joe’s going to
Be tough on china you think he’s capable
Of it
Imagine this uh sean imagine the media
Spent a fraction just a small fraction
Of the time
That they did investigating me and my
Family on hunter imagine how much more
They would find
Imagine how much deeper it goes if they
Were actually journalists
Instead of left-wing activists because
That’s what really scares me
I bet there’s a lot more and I bet
There’s a lot more that the chinese
The russians the iranians and probably
Every other corrupt regime in the world
That would
Be more than happy to bribe the bidens
Imagine what they have and what they use
To get their way on a global scale with
We can’t risk that joe biden is the most
Candidate in the history of the u.S
Presidency he actually makes crooked
Not so crooked anymore and I can’t
Believe we’re coming up with this now
And that no one’s bothered to even look
Into it prior to this
I can’t believe the director that the
Fbi has had this laptop now
Since december 2019 and they’ve done
Nothing with it but senator ron johnson
To his credit has done a great job
Uh anyway donald trump jr correct
Yeah I mean I mean you got kazakhstan
You got
Ukraine you got oligarchs in ukraine
Oligarchs russian oligarchs chinese
Nationals russian nationals ukrainian
Nationals kazakh nationals
Uh all while he’s vice president it’s
Like but what’s scary you’re showing is
Good the media runs right away it’s
Russian disinformation there’s literally
Zero evidence of that it’s russian
Disinformation the director of national
Intelligence said and by the way more
Importantly the fbi said it and I don’t
Say that because
I think the fbi has more credibility I
Say that because it’s pretty clear
That the fbi has done whatever they
Possibly could to hurt donald trump
So if they’re even coming out and saying
This meaning the upper levels of the fbi
The door kickers love us not so much the
Bureaucrats at the top
But if even they’re coming out and
Saying yeah there’s absolutely no
You know and that doesn’t prevent adam
Schiff and msdnc
From being out there and peddling this
Thing as though it’s real russian
Joe biden is corrupted and compromised
And america has to know it sean
Hunter biden one partner is in jail
The other partner has been criminally
This guy that was a partner came out
With emails
And text messages proving every single
Is true and they’re trying to ignore it
I don’t think they’re going to be able
To pull that off
Being against fracking I don’t think
That’s going to work eliminating oil
I don’t think that’s going to work biden
Care replacing obamacare
I don’t think that’s going to work
Either Donald Trump Jr thank you all


