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Facebook Under Fire For Refusing To Add Christian Cross Reaction – After Including LGBT Pride Reaction

The Tech Giant Hits Back At Conservative Christians Who Want To Add A Cross Button

(Mobile Conservative) — So much for inclusion, Facebook. Last month, the social network added a “Gay Pride” reaction button (restricted to only those in the LGBT community). They are now refusing to grant the same respect to another Facebook user community; Christian Conservatives.

While it is duly noted that Facebook is an international company; It was founded in the US, and many of their users reside in the US. With that said, recent polls show 75% of Americans identify with a Christian religion. While Americans identifying as “LGBT” hit a new record high of… Drum roll please…  4.1%.

By our estimation, the Christian Cross reaction would be far more utilized.

Hey Mark.. What happened to:

People First? Despite Christian Conservatives requests, Facebook will not budge. Joshua Feuerstein, a Christian Facebook user with over 2 Million followers, has shared this image throughout the social community with great success. Certainly, the Christian community wants their cross…

Clearly, there’s politics at play here, and Facebook has made it crystal clear which side they’re on.


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