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Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Calls for Speaker Ryan’s Resignation

jeanine ryan resignation

Fox News host and contributor Judge Jeanine Pirro bitterly called for Speaker Paul Ryan’s resignation Saturday night for failing to deliver the votes on the health care bill. The Obama-care replacement died a miserable and quick death. Ryan repeatedly declared that he could get the bill passed.

She said it was Ryan’s job as an experienced politician to ensure enough representatives were on board, and pass the troubled American Health Care Act. Pirro called Ryan’s judgment into question, asking, “How could you possibly misjudge this?”

She Tweeted Saturday:

Huffpo reports:

“I want to be clear. This is not on President Trump. No one expected a business man to completely understand the nuances, the complicated ins and outs of Washington and its legislative process.”

Pirro said Ryan was culpable for not securing enough votes to pass the bill, despite all of his “swagger and experience” in Congress.

Calling the bill a “total and complete failure,” the host lambasted Ryan for taking on health care reform so early in the president’s term, noting that the Ryan should have known better, especially since Trump is “a complete outsider.”

We were all thinking it;  Jeanine hit the nail on the head here.  Trump’s job is not to whip votes in the House, that is Paul Ryan’s duty. Ryan let the American people down. #WeThePeople will not forget.


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