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Illegal immigration down 40 percent; According to US Customs and Border Protection

Illegal immigration down

(Mobile Conservative -)  President Donald Trump has been in office for only one month, and unauthorized border crossings have plummeted by 40%, according to reports from the US Customs and Border Protection. Customs credits this win to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, and Trump’s tough stance on illegal immigration. The left likes to believe a border wall wouldn’t help this problem, when clearly a tough stance alone has shown to have an enormous impact.

Secretary Kelly mentions that typically there is an increase in traffic this time of year, by roughly 10-20 percent, making the drop all the more notable.

RT Reports:

On January 25, Trump signed an executive order calling for a border wall and intensified enforcement. Trump has also called for 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 border patrol officers to be hired, which the DHS has agreed to authorize. On Wednesday, CBP released figures showing that 18,762 undocumented immigrants were stopped at the US-Mexico border in February, a steep drop from the previous month when 31,578 were apprehended.

Even CNN Chimed In:

It will still take months to figure out if the decrease in apprehensions is an indication of a lasting Trump effect on immigration patterns. Numbers tend to decrease seasonally in the winter and increase into the spring months.
But the sharp downtick after an uptick at the end of the Obama administration could fit the narrative that it takes tough rhetoric on immigration — backed up by policy — to get word-of-mouth warnings to undocumented immigrants making the harrowing journey to the border.

This is crystal clear; Obama was weak on immigration policy. The democrats voting base includes that of non-us citizens. He even told immigrants that they could vote, and we couldn’t stop them. This is un-American and unacceptable. We The People are tired of having a borderless nation led by a beta treasonous leader.

The loud message America sent on Nov. 8th: WE’RE FED UP!


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