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James Comey ADMITS to Leaking Sensitive Info to the Press

The Former FBI Director may now face an investigation of his own.

(Mobile Conservative) — During today’s congressional hearing, James Comey revealed his part in the leaking of sensitive information to a New York Times reporter, shortly before his dismissal. Comey stated, “I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter.”  The aforementioned “friend” is believed to be Columbia Law School professor and close friend of the former director, Daniel Richman.

James Comey intended on stirring up an investigation into Trump-Russia collusion via public interest.

It appears as though Comey got more than he’d bargained for!

Daily Caller:

“Former FBI Director James Comey acknowledged that he orchestrated the leak of a memorandum detailing his private interactions with President Donald Trump during testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Thursday morning.

“I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter,” Comey said. “I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons.”

He added that he did so in hopes that his account might spur the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the Trump campaign’s contacts with elements of the Russian government, and any subsequent cover up.

The leak to The New York Times’ Michael Schmidt appears to have come by way of Daniel Richman, a Columbia Law School professor and close friend of the former director. The New Yorker describes Richman as Comey’s “unofficial media surrogate.”

Comey told Maine GOP Sen. Collins that he transmitted the memos to TheNYT through a friend at Columbia Law School.”

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