John Podesta, campaign chairman to former pres. nominee Hilary Clinton, is now facing backlash over his extremely vocal criticisms of President Donald Trump having alleged “ties to Russia.” Podesta has now been financially tied to a Kremlin-backed company. Furthermore, the Clinton executive may have violated federal law by failing to disclose the receipt of 75,000 shares of stock from said company when he joined the Obama White House back in 2014.
The Daily Caller reports:
Joule Unlimited Technologies — financed in part by a Russian firm — originally awarded Podesta 100,000 shares of stock options when in 2010 he joined that board along with its Dutch-based entities: Joule Global Holdings, BV and the Stichting Joule Global Foundation.
When Podesta announced his departure from the Joule board in January 2014 to become President Obama’s special counsellor, the company officially issued him 75,000 common shares of stock.
The Schedule B section of the federal government’s form 278 which — requires financial disclosures for government officials — required Podesta to “report any purchase, sale or exchange by you, your spouse, or dependent children…of any property, stocks, bonds, commodity futures and other securities when the amount of the transaction exceeded $1,000.”
Podesta’s form 278 Schedule B regarding the receipt of any stocks from any company, appears to be blank; Which appears as though he wanted to hide this financial tie. This intel is only available due to Podesta’s e-mails being hacked and leaked in 2016. Podesta has been very open about his criticisms of the president over potential ties to Russia; However, the only physical evidence of Russian ties points to him.