LOL: Sarah Sanders Just Trolled Jim Acosta Big Time!

Sanders and Acosta have had a history of taking shots back and forth… Sarah’s latest tweet will send Acosta over the edge!



Her ‘Trump-style’ twitter jab is BLOWING UP on twitter — Leaving Acosta speechless.

CNN’s Jim Acosta accused a Daily Caller reporter of asking “softball questions” at Tuesday’s presidential press conference.


Sarah took the opportunity to retweet the video, and include “Dear Diary…#BestWeekEver”

The clip Sanders retweeted was originally posted by The Blaze’s Jason Howerton. The video first showed Acosta criticizing the questions that Daily Caller Correspondent Saagar Enjeti asked President Trump.

“The question was asked in a way that really teed it up like a game of tee-ball here in the Rose Garden,” Acosta said of Enjeti’s question. “The president was just sort of served up a softball there when he was asked whether or not the Democrats are advancing a lot of socialist ideas.”



But the video didn’t just end there — It provided a second clip, showing questions that Acosta asked Barack Obama during his Presidency. His ‘softball questions’ included queries about his “best week ever” and “what hard things” he wanted “to tackle” at that point. LOL

Enjeti later responded to Acosta’s criticism with a Tweet of his own; Contending that he “tried something novel,” simply asking a question of the president, instead of telling him “what was happening on a particular issue.”

See Saagar’s tweet here:

The entire Daily Caller team then made a video mocking Acosta, to add more insult to injury:

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