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Uh Oh: North Korea threatens the ‘Final Doom of the US’

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(Mobile Conservative- ) Tensions have been rising abroad, as Kim Jong-Un plays a dangerous game of nuclear chicken with President Donald Trump. The threat of ‘Total War’ came out of North Korea’s official KCNA news agency today, along with a vow of accelerating the country’s nuclear program to maximum potential.

“Any military provocation against the DPRK will precisely mean a total war which will lead to the final doom of the US.”

The Sun reports:
“North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to accelerate its nuclear weapons programme to “maximum pace” and test a nuclear device “at any time”, as tensions rise around the Korean peninsula.
Kim Jong-un said US-South Korean military drills were taking the peninsula “to the brink of nuclear war”

The North’s official KCNA news agency said on Tuesday: “The reckless military provocation is pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula closer to the brink of nuclear war.

“Any military provocation against the DPRK will precisely mean a total war which will lead to the final doom of the US.”

It comes as the US military announced its controversial Thaad missile defence system is now operational in South Korea. Kim Jong-Un has refused to stop his nuclear weapons testing programme. President Donald Trump has taken a hard-line with Kim Jong-un. North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is apparently determined to become a nuclear warlord.

Thaad, which stands for Terminal High Altitude Area Defence, was placed at a former golf course in the central county of Seongju amid protests.

Angry residents fear the system will make the area a target for attacks endangering lives.

On Monday, the US flew training drills with South Korea and Japanese air forces in another show of strength.

Two supersonic B-1B Lancer bombers were deployed amid rising tensions over North Korea’s pursuit of its nuclear and missile programmes in defiance of United Nations sanctions and pressure from the US.

The US air force said in a statement the bombers had flown from Guam to conduct training exercises with the South Korean and Japanese air forces.

South Korean Defence Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-gyun said the joint drill was conducted to ‘deter provocations’.”

Is Kim Jong-Un bluffing? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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