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President Trump Weekly Address: March 10th, 2017

president trump weekly address

The President’s Third Weekly Address

(Mobile Conservative -)  In his third weekly address, the president began by recognizing women’s history month. Honoring all the women leaders who have contributed to our great nation.  The majority of the address was dedicated to the issue that is plaguing our nation; Healthcare. Obama’s promises of bringing premiums down and quality care up, have now been revealed as a sham.  The ACA is collapsing, and in great need of reform. Our president has been working along side congress to eliminate Obamacare, and replace it with something more reasonable.

The plan being laid out will expand choice, lower costs, and provide healthcare access for all.  This is part of a larger 3 part plan of action.  In the future steps we expect to see more deregulation of bloat and opening up the insurance market across state lines, both of which would lower consumer costs.

See The Address Here:

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