REPORT: Biden Goes Into Hiding — Taking Rest Of Weekend Off

Nap Time for Grandpa!!

Mobile Conservative — In a stark contrast between President Trump and his successor; Biden is using his first weekend in office to take a little rest and relaxation time.



Sleepy Joe has officially called a “lid” on the first Saturday of his administration, tapping out of work in the first week in office. He will not be seen for any public events for the rest of the day.

It’s surely an exhausting thing spending days destroying American jobs and undoing as many of the giant steps we’ve made the last four years.


NBC Whitehouse Correspondent, Kelly O’Donnell tweeted, “The White House calls a “lid” on the first Saturday of this administration so we will not see President Biden for any public event the rest of the day.”

It’s time that grandpa take a nap, until his administration is ready for him to sign more executive orders. The White House is now a geriatric day care.

The United States will be in for a rude awakening, as we switch gears back to the typical ‘business as usual’ swamp dwelling from pre-2016 Washington DC.

Contrary to the current administration — President Trump stayed up late, and got up early each day to work for ALL AMERICANS. Trump began his administration calling for unity by not only talking the talk, but walking the walk.



Biden’s actions have done nothing but further divide Americans.

Kamala Harris was also seen leaving the White House Saturday, shortly after Joe went into hiding:

Mobile Conservative will continue provide coverage on this sham administration, and treat them just as the mainstream media treated President Trump for 4+ years.

Pray for America.