The Thought Police are out in FULL FORCE.
Tucker takes on Crazy Cathy once again. This time Cathy believes that the thought police need to be arresting anyone who makes “offensive sexist comments.”
Here are some highlights:
“I would say sexist speech and sexist thought, is hateful speech and hateful thought. And people with those hateful thoughts go on to commit hateful crimes. So yeah, why don’t we nip it in the bud, and stop these guys from continuing to go further, and committing violent crimes.”
“Yeah, make it a felony, put them away, make them learn their lesson. And when they come out they’ll be better people.”
“Women cannot be sexist, no, we are the victims of sexism…”
Tucker has his hands full here.
Besides the fact that this is all completely unconstituational, for good reason. Tucker still entertains her, and heads on down the rabbit hole of her crazy feminist brain…
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