Sidney Powell Drops Bold Prediction About Finalized 2020 Election: “80 Million Votes”

Tuesday evening, Trump attorney Sidney Powell made a bold prediction about the finalized results of the 2020 election during an interview with Newsmax. She predicted that President Donald Trump actually won the election with, “at least 80 million votes.”



“The only reason the glitches happened in the system is because he was so, had so far many more votes than they had calculated in advance,” she states.

“Their algorithms wouldn’t perform the functions they had originally performed that were set to perform.  They couldn’t make up the vote count.  He gotten so many hundreds of thousands more than they planned.  So that’s when they had to stop the counting and come up with a way to back-fill votes or destroy votes for Trump while they fabricated votes for Biden.”


This is an absolute bombshell in and of itself, and would completely explain how “sleepy” Joe Biden could manage to rally up 78+ million votes.

She then added, “The will of the people in this country was that Donald Trump win in a landslide. […] If we can get to the bottom of it, and I am determined to do that, I think we’ll find he had at least 80 million votes.

Watch the clip from Newsmax here:

Powell also stated, “We’re fixin’ to overturn the results of the election in multiple states, and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.  He was fully briefed on it.  He saw it happen in other countries. It was exported internationally for profit by the people that are behind Smartmatic and Dominion.”



We can only hope the truth comes to light. Meanwhile, we’ll keep reporting, and fighting alongside President Trump! God Bless!

See Powell’s previous remarks on corrupt voter machines here!