Trump Calls Out Propaganda Machine ‘CNN’ For Being a Fake News Generator

donald trump press conference




For those who missed it, yesterday Donald Trump called out ‘fake news’ organization CNN for spreading the now discredited Buzzfeed dossier (A made up Russian hacking intel report).  He then refused them a question and moved on to another press organization!



Meanwhile, CNN denies propagating misinformation:

“This was presumably not the press conference that he wanted to give. The night before, Buzzfeed published some unverified, lurid claims about Trump’s time in Russia that have clearly got under his skin. For some unclear reason he has decided that CNN — which did not publish allegations that it could not independently verify — is also guilty of trying to undermine him, and he shouted down questions from CNN’s Jim Acosta.

It was unfair, bullying behavior. But calling out the press is not entirely unheard of. Obama scolded reporters for doing things he didn’t approve of; Nixon obsessed about the hostile liberal press. What’s different about Trump is how happy he is to personalize his battles, to roll up his sleeves and jump into the fight while on live TV.”





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