Trump mocks protester, ‘running home to mommy,’ after interrupting rally

President Trump recently held a North Carolina rally for his 2020 re-election bid — Unfortunately, the event was rudely interrupted by a protester holding up pictures of the president with Jeffrey Epstein.



Trump teased that the protester was ‘going home to mommy to be reprimanded’ as the man was ejected by security!

“Sorry, mommy, sorry mom… Didn’t mean to embarrass you, mom!” LOL


The President also took a nice jab at these young progressives, saying, “By the way, I keep hearing how much enthusiasm is in the radical left. I don’t think they have enthusiasm, they’re just fighting with each other… We have ALL of the enthusiasm”

Watch the clip here:

The President immediately jumped back into rally mode with some jabs at Rep. Omar. Thousands of ‘boos’ erupted from the crowd, as Trump began to recite Omar’s sympathy statements for terrorists. (Give a few boos of your own in the comment section, if you please!)



Trump doesn’t even need to campaign for 2020. These idiotic Democrats are doing it for him.