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Trump Stuns Reporters: ‘Was Ilhan Omar Married to Her Brother?’

President Trump stopped to answer questions from reporters, before leaving for a rally last night.

When questioned about the recent allegations that Ilhan Omar had committed tax fraud and married her brother — Trump quickly fired back that ‘he doesn’t know a lot about it, but there is a lot of talk about the fact that she married her brother.’

Reporters we’re quite stunned and unsure how to respond. They thought the President would jump on their bait (with leading follow-up questions, as they always do).

Way to go, President Trump!

Watch Here:

As always, the President did have a comment on the current Dem landscape, stating: “The Democratic party is really going in a direction that nobody thought possible — They’re going so far left, they’re gonna fall off a cliff! So I think they’re making a big mistake, but who knows. That’s up to them.”

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