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White House Requests US Congress Investigation Into Obama Administration

congress investigates obama

Pres. Trump has asked Congress to establish whether the Obama administration abused investigative powers in the 2016 election

(Mobile Conservative -)   While Obama and company have repeatedly denied accusations of abusing power via phone tapping Trump Tower, US Congress has been asked to open a formal investigation into the matter.  The White House believes there is evidence to prove an abuse of power has occurred.

Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis released a statement Saturday stating ‘neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen’.  The sneaky choice of words leads one to believe that Obama would not condone spying on any U.S. citizen. We know this to be false. The Obama administration allowed the NSA to collect more data on United States citizens than any administration in history.

Furthermore, this statement only proposes that neither Obama nor the WH ordered the tapping. It does not suggest that wiretapping did not take place.  The leaks in the Trump administration’s actions prior to taking office could very well have been through the federal government wiretapping Trump Tower.


President Trump Tweeted Saturday:

The WH ordering this investigation goes to show that hard evidence and testimony does exist.  The Obama administration better pray their hands are clean.


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