WOAH: Congressman Claims ‘Deep State’ Tried to End Trump — And There Are Documents That Prove It


UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 21: Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., talks with reporters after a meeting of the House Republican Conference in the Capitol, October 21 2015. Many questions were about the likelihood of Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., being elected Speaker of the House. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

“We talk about the ‘deep state.’ There are players now […] that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ.”

Congressman Mark Meadows recently sat down with Fox News host Sean Hannity, and dropped a major bomb on the deep state. Meadows claimed that documents exist proving that the “deep state” launched a “coordinated effort” to take down President Donald Trump.



The Republican congressman from North Carolina said that the high ranking members at the DOJ and sitting ambassadors were part of the alleged scheme.

“It’s additional information that is coming out that will show not only was there no collusion, but there was a coordinated effort to take this president down. […] We talk about the ‘deep state.’ There are players now, even ambassadors, that are sitting ambassadors, that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ.”


However, the documents remain classified, leaving Meadows unable to name any ambassadors. Meadows is pushing for the release of these currently classified documents — Giving Americans the opportunity to judge for themselves.

“As we look at this, it’s time to show that we show the American people what’s out there, declassify some of those documents. I think when the American people see what I’ve seen, they will judge for themselves and know that this has all been a hoax.”

Meadows is currently a sitting member of the House Oversight Committee, which played an integral role in investigating potential anti-Trump bias in the Justice Department and the FBI. His role in the committee has given him access to a number of classified documents, all leading him to one conclusion. A major coup within the American government to take down President Trump.



Pluralist.com reported:

“Starting earlier this month, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, Rep. Doug Collins of Georgie, has been releasing transcripts of private testimonies given to the task force.

He has so far made public the testimonies of Justice Department Official Brue Ohr, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, and all of which were provided last summer.

Ohr disclosed that during the 2016 presidential campaign, he served as an unofficial backchannel between the FBI and former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the “Trump dossier,” which was a basis of the FBI’s probe of Trump Russia ties.

Strzok denied the Justice Department inspector general’s conclusion that he had prioritized the FBI’s Trump investigation, which he led, over an investigation into then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, which he was also part of. He also said that text messages he had sent disparaging Trump to Page, with whom he was having an affair, were misconstrued to sound worse than they were.

Page testified that the bureau discussed a “gross negligence” charge against Clinton for her mishandling of classified emails, but the Justice Department shut down the idea.

Rep. John Ratcliffe, a Texas Republican, asked Page to clarify whether Department of Justice prosecutors explicitly refused to bring the charge against Clinton.

“When you say advice you got from the department, you’re making it sound like it was the department that told you: ‘You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to,’” he said.

Page responded: ‘That’s correct.’ “

Do you believe the Deep State is working to remove our sitting President? Comments welcome below!